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About Us

The most common face of breast cancer is usually a women 45 or older, but that’s not the only women that are affected by breast cancer. Every year thousands of women who are 40 and under hear the terrifying words “you have breast cancer”.

No matter what their age, this statement stops time. The difference for younger women is that they have to deal with the disbelief that it can actually happen at that age, not to mention, often they are just starting their career and family life. This can be a very traumatic time for them.

That’s where Pink Bandana comes in. Our mission is to help these women financially and to also give them support. Each year through our events we raise money each year for families that are in need. These events are also ways to show them that Pink Bandana and its army of followers have got their back. In many cases the support and love they get at the events are worth just as much as the money they recieve.

Pink Bandana is a nonprofit organization that focuses on women that are 40 and under. We want women to realize that they are not too young to ignore any signs. We want them to be vigilant of the signs, not worried, but vigilant, so that if something comes up it can be addressed early. Early diagnosis will give them a much better chance at beating cancer.

Our goal is to help more women realize that they are not too young to have breast cancer through communication and events that are fun and entertaining. We also want to help families with their financial needs when we can. Each year we pick three recipients to receive special funds that they can use however they determine necessary. We also have a annual $4000 scholarship that we give away your to a family with a mother or guardian who has been battling breast cancer.

We want to continue to help raise awareness and make sure that We want to continue to help raise awareness and make sure that no one and ignores the signs of breast cancer and that they get it diagnosed in the early stages for a better chance of beating it